Page 1 - LCL TK Module II EN
P. 1

                SESSION 5           Mentoring method in the local community.

                Session goal        The aim of this session is to familiarize the leaders of the local
                                    community  with  the  concept  of  mentoring.  By  participating  in
                                    our training, leaders will understand how mentoring can be used
                                    in their work.                            

                                    A good leader inspires those around him to take on a leadership
                                    position. As a mentor, the leader is able to establish relationships
                                    based  on  the  exchange  of  knowledge  and  experience,  which  in
                                    turn contributes to taking more firm and effective actions for the
                                    development of the local community. A mentoring relationship
                                    is  a  journey  that  the  mentor  and  mentee  go  through  together.
                                    Thanks to it, it is possible to gain new experiences, perspectives
                                    and knowledge.

                                    With this session, we  want to equip leaders with the necessary
                                    tools  that  will  allow  them  to  establish  mentoring  relationships
                                    with members of their communities.

                                    Our  target group are  people over 50 who  are  actively working
                                    for  the  development  of  their  local  environment,  trainers  of
                                    educational      institutions     including       non-governmental
                                    organizations operating at the local level.
                Description of         ●  The first activity is designed to “break the ice” between
                learning                   participants and create a warm, friendly atmosphere in the
                                           group. (Handout 1)
                                       ●  The second activity is designed to help trainees to reach a
                for trainer
                                           better understanding of the mentoring concept (Handout
                                       ●  The purpose of the third activity is to introduce the
                                           participants to the four phases of the mentoring
                                           relationship (Handout 3).
                                       ●  The next activity will help participants to boost their
                                           listening skills (Handout 4).
                                       ●  Following activity will allow participants to develop rules
                                           for a successful mentor-mentee relationship (Handout 5).
                                       ●  The next activity will allow participants to think of what
                                           principles should be established to create a successful
                                           mentoring relationship (Handout 5).
                                       ●  In this activity, we will learn how to understand people's
                                           motivations for taking action (Handout 7).
                                       ●  The purpose of this activity is to familiarize participants

                  This project has been funded with the support from the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission or Fundacja
                  Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji – National Agency of Erasmus+ in Poland cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here in.
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