Page 5 - Teachers Leaders Standards
P. 5                                                    

       Teachers for the self-assessment of their professional skills.
           Acknowledging the mandatory skills that teachers need to possess within the fields presented within the standards, they can
           analyze their own theoretical and practical training level and to assess their professional performance. Each competence domain
           is equally important and exists closely interconnected with the others.
           Based on self-assessment the teacher can design their own professional development strategy and search for any formal or
           informal methods of improving  their skills. Reflecting on one’s own practice and results represent a major element in one’s
           professional training. The standards created for teachers-leaders come to support the teachers engaged in such reflection and
           adjustment actions.                                                    
       Managers of educational institutions (elementary schools, high schools, i.e.) for the individual evaluation
       of the teachers and of the institution.

           Within the process of evaluating the teachers, standards constitute an important element. Possessing the standards and the
           markers, the educational manager can gather information using various methods and instruments of data collecting, in order to
           assess a teacher according to the bailiwick. Based on this assessment, the manager is able to determine the areas that need to
           be improved for that particular teacher. Once the entire institution has gone through the evaluation process, the manager
           together with the teachers can create institutional strategies for their professional development in which they could suggest
           various training methods (mentorship and/or coaching activities, exchange of experience, methodical activities within
           methodical committees, training courses on leadership. i.e.) having as target the improvement of those skills that were not at
           the highest level of expectation.                                                    
       Methodologist for didactic inspections and professional development support.
           Standards can be used for the development of observation instruments for practices promoted by teachers-leaders and the
           ascertainment of the correspondence between such instruments and the other education documents;
           Standards can be a support for teachers in improving their capacity to self-analyze their own practices according to educational
           standards. Based on this analysis, the Methodologist can help teachers-leaders to elaborate a personal strategy of sustained
       Service providers of initial and sustained training programs for teachers-leaders.
          By taking note of this standards, service providers will be able to: design a diversified range of sustained training programs,
           adapted to the various training needs of the teachers-leaders in the system, programs centered on the mandatory skills required
           by the professional standards and empower teachers to use professional standards as instruments for improvement of the quality                                                    
           of their own theoretical and practical training level.
       Education policy-makers and policy-making
           Based on these standards, evaluation instruments can be created in order to assess the level of professional competence of
           teachers in the contemplated areas. Thus, an analysis of the professional status can be made for all teachers, resulting in the
           determination of the aspects which, on national level, need to be improved  where educational and management practices are
           concerned and, implicitly, the initial and sustained training programs, in order to provide the optimal training level for all the
           teachers. Also, these professional standards may constitute themselves as criteria for the human resources area in the
           recruitment and selection process.
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