Page 12 - LCL Handbook EN
P. 12


                  same time, influence shows, on the one hand, that a member who must be attracted to a
                  group must have an influence on what the group does, and the cohesion of the group
                  depends  on  how  the  group  itself  is  able  to  influence  the  members.  Community
                  engagement can be defined in a context of partnership and reciprocity as a mutually
                  beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources. Low community engagement leads to
                  a lack of trust in the community. In this way there is an accentuation of the level of
                  unemployment, poverty and in direct connection to a poor quality education and to the
                  increase  of  the crime  rate.  Creating local  networks of community  members  fosters a
                  climate  where  more  people  are  willing  to  work  to  achieve  a  goal.  Leaders  who  get
                  involved in the community creates involved communities.

                  People  who  accept  the  needs,  values,  and  opinions  of  others  are  often  the  most
                  influential members of the group, while those who force things by always wanting to
                  influence, trying to dominate others, and ignoring the desires of others are often the least


                  When we decide to organize a community, we need to identify leaders and potential
                  community  leaders,  because  leadership  is  a  vital  element  of  that  organizing  action.
                  Chaskin  (2001)  suggests  that  there  are  at  least  four  common  factors  contributing  to
                  community strengthening, referring to the existence of resources (including individuals
                  'abilities, access to capital and resources), building a network of relationships, leadership
                  and support for community members' participation in the collective action and problem-

                  The number one problem in a local community is the existence of a leader, able to direct
                  the  goals  of  the  community  in  a  direction  that  will  bring  success,  prosperity  and
                  community  development.  In  order  to  coagulate  the  energies  of  the  community,  the
                  leader must exert a strong influence on the members.

                  Leadership theory has evolved over the past decades, leaving from the idea of the leader
                  as the main and decisive factor, to the influence of the others and more recently to the
                  imagining  of  a  multidimensional  social  process  composed  of  complex  relationships,
                  which are based on social integration and individual skills. So, what does leadership
                  mean now? In a classical way, a definition of leadership is the art of motivating a group
                  of people to act toward achieving a common goal. Finally, (Kevin Kruse, 2013), it is a
                  process  of  social  influence,  which  maximizes  the  efforts  of  others,  towards  the
                  achievement  of  a  goal.  These  definitions  highlight  the  idea  of  a  leader  capable  and
                  prepared to inspire others.

                  In  any organization,  effective  leadership is based on  promoting  certain ideas, but  in
                  order to convince others, these ideas must be challenging, mobilizing. In other words,
                  the leader is the inspiration and the engine of the action. The key elements of classical
                  leadership are visible in Figure 1.

                                          This  project  has  been  funded  with  the  support  from  the  European  Union.  This
                  publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission or Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
                  – National Agency of Erasmus+ in Poland cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
                  contained herein.
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