Page 12 - LCL TK Module II BG
P. 12

                Handout 5.6                             Contract between mentor and mentee

                Objective:      building trust, establishing boundaries and rules for mentoring

                Duration:       20 to 25 minutes                              

                Group Size:     around 15 people

                Required        printed form 1 for each training participant, writing utensils or online

                Items:          training software

                Step by         1. Trainer hands out form 1 as an example of the agreement that

                steps           should be made between mentor and mentee. Trainer explains to the
                                group that each mentoring relationship should be based on
                                predetermined rules, it should have a clear beginning, end and contain
                                information about what the mentor and student are committed to do,
                                in what form they are going to undertake mentoring sessions, what
                                they want to work on and in which areas they would like to take
                                4. Trainer asks training participants to fill in the form 1. Training
                                participants must put themselves in the role of a mentor or a mentee.

                References:   -

                Image:          -                                             

                Audio/Vide      -

                Additional      Form 1
                forms:          1. List the mentor and mentee contact informations:
                                2. Where will the meeting take place/in what form (phone, e-mail, face-
                                to-face meeting etc.):
                                3. How long will the mentoring relationship formally last?
                                4. As a mentor/mentee I agree to... (finish the sentence with at least 5
                                example for a mentor: sharing knowledge and experience with my mentee,
                                teaching him/her about problem solving, motivating them to take action, etc.
                                example for the mentee: being open to feedback from my mentor, listening
                                actively, taking responsibility for my own actions, etc.

                  This project has been funded with the support from the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission or Fundacja
                  Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji – National Agency of Erasmus+ in Poland cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here in.
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